Unreal Engine Launcher

Unreal Engine Meetup @ Dark Slope 2019
- Key note speaker
- Presented Master Class on UE4 Materials

AU Autodesk University 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
- Presented 3D Master Classes.
- Voted top rated speaker online and in-class 2014, 2016.

Siggraph 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006
- Creation of demo content for 3D character & mechanical rigging.
- Presented Master Class presentations on various topics each year.
- Keynote speaker 2004.

NYC 3DS Max User Group 2014
- Key note speaker focusing on Character rigging, mechanical rigging, Max script for tool setup.

EUE End User Event 2013
- Presented two classes, Facial Rigging and Advanced User Interface Creation.

GDG Game Developers Conference 2004
- Presented Master Character Rigging Classes at GDC (Game Developers Conference)
- Key note speaker at Game Developers Conference 2004. Spoke about the future of characters and their rigs in games.

Big Huge Games
- Created artist tool set for DomiNations

Epic Games / Unreal Engine
- Created online training material

2K Games / 2K Marin, Marin County, California, USA
- Bioshock 2 character pipeline and tools.
- Bioshock 2 TRC motion capture conversion tool set.
- Bioshock 2 character rigging and skinning.
- Bioshock 2 FBX motion capture conversion tool set.
- Character rigging
- Character animation systems for content creation.
- Facial animation system for content creation.
- Scripted animation tools

RockStar Games, New York City, USA
- Developed custom facial animation system for use in creating game animation.

Real Time UK, London, England
- Character Rigging for Juiced2, Hot import Nights.

Next Level Games, Vancouver, Canada
- Character Rigging and Technical direction on Spider-Man, Friend or Foe video game.

Eyeball NYC, New York, USA
- Character Rigging for Bioshock trailer.
- Technical direction and scripting for motion capture conversion tools.

Pseudo Interactive, Toronto, Canada
- Set Modeling and Texturing for PS 3 port of Full Auto.

Tigar Hare Studios, California, USA
- Custom character setup for motion capture on Bioshock2 trailer using the RAIC system.

Beyond-fx, Los Angeles, USA
- A real-time graphics studio. Provided game and character rigging.

Pipe Works Software, Oregon, USA
- Model of Ford GT for game demo.

Adventurine Games, Athens, Greece
- Wrote custom tools for Adventurine Games for the online game Darkfall.
Scripted tools for a gaming company in Greece called Aventurine. I created tools for stitching together meshes and averaging vertex normals that were then written to an XML format for export to the game.

Makuta Visual Effects
- Character rigging on realistic falcon.

Walt Disney Animation
- For two years, I was contracted by Walt Disney Animation to work on the feature film “Return To Neverland”, the sequel to Peter Pan as well as train staff in the use of 3D to aid in production of 2D animation and effects.

- Scripting for Toybox in Toronto for converting 3D file formats.

Elliott Animation & Elliott Interactive, Toronto, Canada
- Senior Character TD for Happily Never After.
- Compositing for special effects on the feature film Belly of the Beast staring Steven Seagal. Wire removals and face replacments on stunt men were used with varrie speeding the footage for slow motion action.

Red Rover Studios
- Director of 3D
- Kelloggs
- Pilsbury
- Nair
- …

Snowball Studio
- Sodastream

Hatch Studios, Toronto, Canada
- Scotia Bank Commercial: Character Rigging
- Nesquick Commercial: Character Rigging
- Character rigging and facial setup for TV series pitch using the RAIC system
- Character modeling for KC commercial
- Character rigging for KC commercial
- Robin Hood commercial spot
- Kelloggs commercial spot
- Toblerone commercial spot

Medic Alert
Director of animation on four TV commercials for Medic Alert
Wit Animation
- Character modeling for Hart Gard commercial
- Character rigging for Hart Gard commercial
- Character rigging for McDonalds commercial
- Character rigging for a BBC television spot

Country Style Donuts
- Director of animation on third 3D Country Style donuts, Turn up a winner contest.
- Director of animation on second 3D Country Style donuts, Turn up a winner contest.
- Director of animation on first 3D Country Style donuts, Turn up a winner contest.

Global Television
Director of animation on four animated commercials for Global Television

Tigar Hare Studios, California
Facial animation system usin RAIC facial control UI

Erick Geisler (Television Special), Los Angeles, USA
- Dynamic car rig using MX Driver
- Custom motorcycle rig
- Character rigs for use in special effects

Pasozebra Producciones, Velencia, Spain
- Actimel Commercial: Character facial rigging and pipeline using the RAIC system

Fuse FX, USA
- Character rigging on multiple productions for both the New York and LA offices

Keyframe Digital, Canada
- Full production of Big Bull commercial for Fisher Price. Modelled, textured, rigged, animated, rendered and composited the final piece with effects.
- Senior technical director for Dresden Files.
- Rigging and tools for Werewolf, Dragon and production work flow.
- Pipeline developement, Pinky Dinky Doo. Sesame Workshop News.
- Developement of a production management tool using dotnet, xml and Max script.
Character rigging, and character pipeline tools, Pinky Dinky Doo. - Character rigging for Spiderman that was used in promotion print work for Sony and Mattel.

Studio Liddell, Manchester, England
- Character rigging and setup using RAIC character system for Silent NIght Production.
- Character pipeline development and rigging for Fifi and the Flowertots TV Series using the RAIC character system.
- Character modeling on Fifi and the Flowertots TV series.
- Vehicle rigging for Roary The Racing Car TV series using MX Driver.
- Character modeling on Roary the Racing Car TV series.
- Character pipeline development using the RAIC character system.
- Custom scripted pipeline and animation tools.

Nelvana Studios
- Modeling and texturing for Backyardigans TV series for Nelvana Studios.
- Character rigs

Elliott Animation & Elliott Interactive
- Writing custom tools for system and software updates.
- System of tools that checks user priveleges and uploads all nessesary files to their machine only if they have been updated.
- Character rigging for Microsoft game demos in conjunction with Elliott Interactive.
- Designed and created character rigs for a Christmas special being done by Elliott Animation.
- In house production tests.
- Elliott Animation completed Zixx Level One, a new TV series that was created using game engine technology and many custom tools including a new method of animating called the Choreographer. I developed this tool and many others for the series, as well as the character rigs and some models. Finished the year off working on several tests for various clients through Elliott Animation.
- CG supervisor on the first season of Sitting Ducks as well as head of character modeling and rigging.
- Developed and wrote many scripted utilities for the production.

1stAveMachine, New York, USA
- Match moving character rig

Solomon Cordwell Buenz
- Architectural tools development

Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company, Denver, CO
- Chararacter modeling and rigging to be used in simulations and previsualization processes.
- Developed production pipeline tools to aid in the creation and management of mechanical animations.
- Chararacter modeling and rigging to be used in simulations and previsualization processes.

Autodesk Media & Intertainment
- Creation of demo content for the release of 3D Studio Max 8
- Presented Master Character Rigging Classes at GDC (Game Developers Conference)

PERFECT fit Health, Minneapolis, USA
- 3D Project Lead
- Development of custom tools and project pipeline
- Modeling, Texturing, Animation and Motion Capture Conversion tools
- 3D Project Lead for game type assets
- Development of custom tools and project pipeline
- Modeling, Texturing, Animation and Motion Capture Conversions
- 3D Project Lead for game type assets.
- Development of custom tools and project pipeline
- Modeling, Texturing, Animation and Motion Capture Conversions